Online Compassion Cultivation Training with Stéphanie Anker
CCT is a multi-week personal and professional development course designed at Stanford University’s Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education and taught around the world by Certified Facilitators. The program includes practical tools and exercises designed to enhance your awareness, compassion, and resilience.
CCT will support you to improve your relationships with friends, family, clients, patients, staff, and coworkers.
You’ll walk away from each CCT class with tools and practices you can immediately put to work. CCT will help you:
- Improve awareness
- Increase connection to others
- Decrease the distress you may feel in difficult situations
CCT is a two-hour weekly class that includes:
- Large and small group discussions to share learning experiences
- Guided meditation to improve awareness
- Listening and communication exercises to build compassionate interactions
You’ll also have daily homework of one guided meditation per day and informal practices to try as you go about your day.

Stephanie Anker
Stephanie is a French & Swiss management consultant, and a Compassion Cultivation Training© Certified Teacher. She holds a master’s degree in Linguistics and has worked with international consulting firms before setting up Semeio, in 2007. While deepening her personal meditation practice, Stephanie shifted towards new ways of working with teams, moving away from mind-only approaches and integrating awareness & compassion practices, to serve the wellbeing of all. She trained with the Presencing Institute to work with the “Theory U”, a change framework rooted in embodiment, meditation, and systems thinking. She engaged with the CI’s CCT™ Teacher Training in 2020. Her intention is to help individuals and teams strengthen their emotional grounding, their integrity, and their leadership in the face of difficult situations, while keeping an open-heart. Stephanie wishes to contribute to the dissemination of the CCT™ among the French-speaking community.
D’origine franco-suisse, Stéphanie est consultante en stratégie et accompagnement du changement. Elle est enseignante certifiée du CCT™. Linguiste de formation (Master 2), elle a travaillé dans des cabinets de conseil internationaux avant de créer Semeio en 2007. Tout en continuant d’ancrer sa pratique de méditation, Stéphanie s’est orientée vers de nouvelles méthodes de travail, se décentrant des approches basées uniquement sur le mental et intégrant des pratiques de présence consciente et de compassion, pour servir le bien-être de tous. Stéphanie s’est formée auprès du Presencing Institute pour travailler avec la méthode de leadership et de conduite de l’intelligence collective « Theory U », qui associe des pratiques corporelles et contemplatives à la pensée systémique. Stéphanie a suivi la formation du Compassion Institute pour enseigner le CCT™, qui est désormais au cœur de son engagement professionnel. Son intention est de contribuer à la diffusion du CCT™ en français, auprès de toute personne ou équipe désireuse de cultiver la compassion et de renforcer son ancrage, son intégrité émotionnelle et son leadership face à des situations difficiles, tout en gardant le cœur ouvert.